Apply for Membership

Your Investment Options

As a valued member, you are welcome to:

  • Attend monthly events
  • Come along to our quarterly Sector Specific meetings if appropriate for your company (Karen will explain how they may be able to help you)
  • Influence who you will be seated with
  • Promote your business through the website and the member database
  • Attend our monthly pre-lunch seminars
  • Take a speaker or seminar opportunity to share your expertise with the group
  • Finally, use me to broker introductions

Individual Membership – 1 Decision Maker

Option 1 – £425 per year

Monthly event fees £45 due on booking.

Sector Specific Quarterly Meetings and Training Workshops fees £52.50 due at the time of booking.

Option 2 – £80 per month

Includes membership and monthly event fees.

We have charged for membership and 11 event fees, if you come to all 12 events then you have enjoyed one on us. Please note there is no refund for non-attendance, though a senior representative is welcome to come along in your place. Monthly invoices are sent on the 1 st of each month and collected by Direct Debit on or after the 5 th of the same month.

Excludes Sector Specific or Training Meetings.

Option 3 – £1077.50 per year

Includes 11 monthly event fees and 3 quarterly sector specific group meetings. 

If you come along to all 12 monthly events and 4 quarterly meetings then you have enjoyed one of each on us. Please note there is no refund for non-attendance, though a senior representative is welcome to come along in your place.

Corporate Membership – 2 Senior Decision Makers

£490 per year

Monthly event fees £45 due on booking.

Sector Specific Quarterly Meetings and Training Workshops fees £52.50 due at the time of booking.

All fees are subject to VAT at the prevailing rate.

Apply for Membership Here:

(c) Copyright 2024 – Karen Tems Ltd t/a The Business Network Central & East Lancashire.